Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Woman of The New Renaissance

By Ruth Ferraz Byrnes

The New Renaissance woman is the wife who works at home. "The Renaissance man, if you recall, was interested in everything. Leonardo da Vinci, for example, was a great painter, a splendid mathematician, anatomist and philosopher" (Mary Pride).

The current world eludes much women and decreases the opportunities for true fulfillment according to the Scriptures. In every industry there is today notorious specialization, which on one hand is good, especially for men, but for women it shares much the vision of the whole, the global, universal, very necessary to mothers. At home women have opportunities to try everything that interests them: prepare laboratory products, write a book, decor, food, education, fashion design, etc. As Mary Pride, which was a assumed feminist in the 70s, dropped her entire career as an engineer to devote herself fully to the role of "domestic engineer" professional wife and says:

"I must say personally that my interests and talents have increased tenfold since I left my job as an engineer and started working at home, and it seems that will continue to expand in the future. At work force out there, I never would have opportunities adopt interests as diverse as education, architecture, economics, calligraphy, poetry, literary composition, clothing design, theory and practice of horticulture, teaching piano, etc.., all while at home ... But I'm almost without expanding limit. Each new interest leads to another, and for the first time in my life I have more interesting and useful projects than I can do. "

Today with nine children raised and educated at home by the system which she defined as the Homeschooling ( ), School House, Mary Pride with her magazine is in number 100 edition. In the U.S. there are more than 2 million children homeschooled in Home School, or School House, especially in the eyes of mothers who tutoream the education of children. They grow along with their offspring. For he who teaches learns twice. Instead of spending fortunes on private schools or leave the kids "start" in public schools, parents are taking literally the education of children.
Mary Pride, among others, is certainly a woman is about to be fully realized as this fulfilling the biblical role for women, which according to the Holy Scriptures says:

"The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things — that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed". (Titus 2.3-5)

As Jesus said: "You are wrong because you do not know the Scriptures and the Power of God." And unfortunately for lack of a proper teaching of the Holy Scriptures in their own churches, women, including evangelical were leaving knowing the importance of his calling" (Pride, pg. 5). A woman must serve in intercession, prayer for the balance of home and the body of Christ. How does a woman who leaves home in a strange hand, can give good testimony? Well the Bible says that man should first manage your home well and then the church, which is not tell the wife!

God has called us to work at home, that is our true path to obey it, this produces: strong homes, churches that grow healthily and Christian leaders. In the end we will have strong society and world.

Feminism has done exactly the opposite of what says the Word, because the feminist movement, which can be considered a false religion that seeks to make gods and force women to work outside the home and be treated like a god, who should be revered. Unfortunately there are many evangelical theologians and feminists who support this "women's liberation" and say that the Bible is infallible and that women need not be submissive and submit to leadership of man. It is true that pursuing a career outside the home always makes the wife feel more fulfilled living the role of the mother? Is the only way to achieve their full potential wife is leaving home and getting a job? Could it be that there is a biblical model for the female roles? The sad fact is that these and other notions feminists today are subtly disguised the views predominantly accepted in Christian churches. Many religious advocate equality of occupations, including in leadership. They want their husbands occupy 50% of the housework, etc.

The situation has now refers to what the Bible says the end times, but that's not why the church should not be salt and light. "We can influence the world for the better, instead of letting it influence us to worse. " (Pride, pg. 21)

The society and primarily the "body of Christ", "has lost by changing the principles that forged Christian civilization, though not always in full at mock worldview based on theories of modernity: agnosticism, materialism, sensuality, subjectivism, the deification of "reason" Enlightenment - that is just an amputee rationalism - the murderous collectivist ideologies like socialism, and its auxiliary sub-ideologies such as feminism, gayzismo the ecofascism, among others. My sincere desire is that works such as the Presbyterian Mary Pride, which unfortunately was rejected by many of the great evangelical publishers in the country - dominated by progressives, it always emphasize - have increasingly visible. "(Edson Camargo)

It's sad to see women who call themselves evangelical and even women pastors who work "outside", making Birth Control, which already had been proved they to abort in many cases (click here to read about this), working out and leaving their homes often in the hands of people who are not Christians and sometimes even atheists! Sorry the women pastors, but according to the gospel we read:

"Much of evangelical churches approve of birth control and the entry of women into the labor market. A woman should not become lazy and get around from house to house." (Pride) It is not for nothing that the world is chaos that: Christians having fewer children and how can Muslims both! Soon will be the most "

"The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her ​​own hands" (Proverbs 14:1).

Many mothers will work out to get rid of the children, many really need to work to sustain their since they were widows, the unemployed husband or they was abandoned, but the vast majority could stay home and raise children, keep house and husband organized, because this is the true role of women: wife and mother, exceptions exist. Death comes or the unexpected happens, and the woman is definitely sponsor as single family. "I have to work out," you say. You really have to work out, or could you work from home? Sew or do crafts, teaching music or cooking, etc. There are many options to consider. Working part-time, while the kids are at school, it is a possibility in certain cases (HUNTER, p. 120). And a wise idea to get our priorities in prayer before we make the decision on which job to take. In what order of importance are: earn money, raise children, keep house, and God (HUNTER, p. 121). A mother who was the only source of income of your household, thought that if he had the right priorities, although she would never have their dreams materials, God would provide their needs, even if the missing money (HUNTER, p. 22. James, chapter one, verse five says: "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it shall be given."

Unfortunately the mothers of today are losing its role because of the brainwashing that society does, through the media. And so hard to have a child and they are being dropped to educate for others, or rather they are giving a bad education, that's why we see so many young people and adults completely "uneducated". It is necessary to live the role of a motherhood! The infiltration of pagan doctrine in churches, including evangelical is killing the true mission of women and babies literally dealing with birth control.

We must educate our children to do good and avoid evil, with the heart turned to God and a loving demeanor.

Of course it is not just the fact that working from home saves the woman, but in having the Lord Jesus as Savior and follow his commandments makes a big difference.

Love should not be a romantic feeling as Hollywood teaches and tells the world, but should be a decision. Marriage should not be based on this romantic feeling, but it should be a decision to love until the last consequences. We must love the God's people and save them, include the children, they are blessing! Everyone must do their part.

That woman after God's will reappear in the Christian world, to help save what remains in this world lying in wickedness. May appear many "Mary Prides" to show that the home and the true place for women.


ABBOTT, John SC The mother at home. Sterling: Gracec Abouding Ministries, 1984. Sterling: Gracec Abouding Ministries, 1984.

AARNDT, Elise. A mother's touch. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1989. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1989.
HUNTER, Brenda. Where have all the mothers gone?. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1982. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1982.
MCBRIDE, Terry Lois. By his side " the woman´s place . Fort Worth: Brownlow Publishing Company, 1967.
PHILLIPS, Sheree. Mothers at the heart of life . Ann Arbor: Servant Publications, 1985.
PRIDE, Mary. The way home - beyond feminism back to reality . Westchester: Crossway Books, 1985.
PHILLIPS, Sheree. Mothers at the heart of life. Ann Arbor: Servant Publications, 1985.
PRIDE, Mary. Back Home. Edited and translated by Julio Severo, 2004
STRONG, James. Strong's exhaustive concordance. Nashville: Crusade Bible Publishing

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