I can remember when I was five years old the first time I picked up a flower and how I was marveled... It was a pink hibiscus. Every child has that feeling the first time they admire a flower.
May we never lose this enchantment with life that every child has. "The Kingdom of God belongs to such as children" said Jesus.
May we to be always in awe and amazement with the Lord's creation, the miracles are around us.
“Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18.3)
We need to become like children again. We need to bring back the awe and excitement at the rain, the wind blowing to the tree, the beautiful flowers appearing out of the ground.
Here are a video on this very topic. Watch it and be reminded: "Stand in awe… In wonder…. Be excited about all of the miracles around you" (Emily R.).